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7 Ancient Pranayamas with Anjalika (EN)

dim. 03 janv.


online (Zoom)

Join Anjalika Feralyoginix, for a deep dive into 75 minutes of raw, self-healing power through Pranayama. In Sanskritam, Prana = Lifeforce/ Vital Energy/ Breath and Ayama = Expansion / Extension . Therefore Pranayama is the practice of expanding lifeforce and vital energy through breath techniques.

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7 Ancient Pranayamas with Anjalika (EN)
7 Ancient Pranayamas with Anjalika (EN)

Heure et lieu

03 janv. 2021, 14:00 – 15:15

online (Zoom)

À propos de l'événement

We will explore a number of Prana-Expanding, Lifeforce-Rejuvenating, Pranayama Practices. Within moments into this process, you will realize the potential of your own lungs and breath, the wisdom of your own body, and how the sounds that your lungs create are designed to heal you.

This is Authentic . This is Real. This is Empowering. This is Pranayama. Breathe in, breathe out, slow down, explore raw tribal sounds and tune in to your true power : stillness.

Useful tip :

1. Have a pen and paper with you ! You won't regret writing some things down.

2.Please do NOT eat anything for at least an hour before the session and make sure you bring a bottle of water to sip between pranayama types.

Contra-indications : If you are pregnant OR show symptoms of any of the following, please do not practice Bhastrika or Kapalbhati . : high blood pressure, heart disease, hernia, gastric ulcer, epilepsy, vertigo, significant nosebleeds, detached retina, glaucoma, recent abdominal surgery, and anyone at risk for stroke, asthma or chronic bronchitis. You may sit through these two practices.


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